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India’s first Agri and allied career oriented program !

Agri Sphere 2024

Assured Jobs, Scholarships, Entrepreneurship Incubation, Abroad Study and Job assistance*
 13+ Modules
 230+ Hours
 50+ Industry Leaders
 10 Impactful Certifications
 Recorded Videos available post training
 1.5 Year access for training portal

AgriSphere 2024 Enrollment

To enroll, please click on the payment button below.


In a pioneering initiative, we are breaking new ground by establishing a transformative training program that serves as a bridge between academia and industry. This groundbreaking endeavor focuses on agriculture and allied fields, offering participants a unique blend of practical skills, academic insights, and real-world outcomes. Our mission extends beyond merely closing the skill gap; we are dedicated to providing tangible results through a holistic approach to education.

Our Vision

To revolutionize the agriculture and allied fields by bridging the gap between academia and industry through our transformative training program that equips participants with practical skills, academic insights, and real-world outcomes.

Our Mission

We aim to empower participants in agriculture and allied fields with a unique blend of practical skills, academic insights, and holistic education.By closing the skill gap, our goal is to create tangible results and foster innovation in the industry.


Agri Sphere 2024

India’s First Agri & allied Career Building Training Program

Saturday - Sunday

April 2024 - January 2025


Jobs, Scholarships, and Entrepreneurship Opportunities :

  • Participants are not only equipped with theoretical knowledge but are also connected with lucrative employment opportunities in the industry.
  • Scholarships are available for meritorious candidates, encouraging academic excellence.
  • Entrepreneurship opportunities empower participants to transform their knowledge into viable business ventures.

Abroad Study and Job Assistance:

  • As part of our commitment to global exposure, participants have access to assistance for overseas study programmes and overseas jobs.

Why Learn Agri Sphere 2024 ?

Be in demand

Boost your career prospects by gaining expertise from leading industry figures in agriculture and related fields, ensuring you stay in high demand.

Build the future

Forge the future with comprehensive training that guaranteed job placement, internships, entrepreneurial support, overseas study opportunities, and job assistance, ensuring tangible and impactful outcomes.

Stay Connected with Us

Stay connected with us to remain informed about upcoming opportunities in the agricultural and allied sectors.


Courses Highlights

Career Guarantee

Jobs, Internships, Scholarship, Entrepreneurship Incubation, Abroad study assistance, Overseas Job assistance

Downloadable content

Our educators provide downloadable PowerPoint presentations and study materials to enhance your educational experience.

8 Days in a month

Our training sessions, scheduled exclusively on weekends (Saturday & Sunday) ensuring minimal disruption to your academic or work schedule.

Learn online

Live training programs or access recorded sessions at your convenience.

Doubt clearing

Even post live sessions, continuous support for clarify the doubts.

13+ Modules

Our meticulously curated 13+ modules designed to propel your career development.

Mobile friendly

No laptop? No problem

Certificate of Training

10 Impactful Certifications

Beginner friendly

No prior knowledge required

Who Can Attend?


Students pursuing Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. degrees in diverse fields related to agriculture and allied sectors viz: Agriculture, Agribusiness Management, Horticulture, Food Tech, Bio Tech, Microbiology, Botany & Zoology, Agri Engineering, Sericulture, Dairy, Bioinformatics, Environment, Fisheries, Agricultural Economics, Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Entomology, Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology, Farm Management, Forestry, Genetic and Plant Breeding.

Working Professionals

Our program is also open to professionals already engaged in the Agri and allied fields, providing them with opportunities for skill enhancement and career advancement.

How will your training work?


Select your desired outcome and sign up.


Complete the registration process by paying the fees.

Access Portal

Receive a unique User ID and Password for training portal entry.

Attend Training

Engage in a 10-month comprehensive training program.

Test Yourself

Take customized test papers based on your preferences.

Merit Selection

Stand out based on merit for job, scholarship, internship opportunities.


Secure your future with the potential for job placement, scholarships, internships, and more.

Program Details

Month Module
April - EXIM - Export Import Training Program
- Agri & Food Processing: MSME / Export / Trade
May - 360 Agri Inputs Training Program
June - “The Seed - Seed to Life” Training Program
July - Renewable Energy & Climate Resilience, Biomass / Agri Biowaste
- Climate Resilient Agriculture
August - Farming allied Smart Business: Bee Keeping, Stingless Bee
- Aquaponics & Fisheries: Fishery - Biofloc, Shrimp etc
September - Trade Platforms and their role in Agriculture Ecosystem
Ag Fintech
October - Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Sector: SAAS, IOT, etc
- Farm Robotics & Mechanization
- Drone Technology
November - Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Agri and allied sector
- Govt. Intervention in Agriculture: Grants, Funding, Schemes, Subsidies, etc
- Agriculture Infrastructure: Cold Storage, Warehousing, etc
December - Smart Farming Ecosystem: Mushroom, Hydroponics, Animal Husbandry, etc
January - Agri & Food Value Chain: Supply Chain Management
- Gram Parivartan FPO Training Program





Industry Leaders

Impactful Certifications

Program Fees

Limited Time Offer Only For First 12 Days!

Categories Fees Discounted Early Bird Fees
- AgriSphere 2024 Fees 15000 + 18 % GST 10000 + 18 % GST

Our Industry Thought Leaders

Mr. Dhananjay Edakhe

Business Head

INERA by@AbsoluteAg

Dr. Venkatram Vasantavada



Dr. Amit Tripathi


Cytolife Agritech

Dr. Minshad Ansari


Bionema Ltd, United Kingdom

Dr. Balaji Vasudevan

Agrobioscience Chief Scientist

UM6P Ventures, USA

Dr. Vinayak Raman Sharma

Director, Marketing and Business Development

Savannah Seeds

Mr. Ritesh Alladwar

Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Sundar Raja Vadlamani

President - Supply Chain Field Crop

Field Crops, SeedWorks

Mr. Ashish Rajurkar

Senior Research Scientist

Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA

Mr. Srinivas Reddy

Product Development & Consumer Insights


Area of Focus

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AG Tech
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Agri Inputs: Crop Protection & Nutrition
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Soil Health
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Renewable Energy
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Agri Input: Seed
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Bee Keeping
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Food & Agriculture
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Education And Entrepreneurship
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Agro, MSME & Food Processing
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Poultry, Piggery & Dairy
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Ag Fintech & Statisticals
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Supply Chain & EXIM


Job Opportunities


Entrepreneurship Incubation

Abroad Education Incubation & Assistance

Overseas Job Assistance

Principal Sponsor


Knowledge Partner


Our Industry Partners


Frequently Asked Questions

Agri Sphere 2024 is a comprehensive training program offering career opportunities such as jobs, internships, scholarships, and overseas job and study opportunities.

No, after completing the training program, you must take the Post Assessment Test (PAT). This test will be conducted among Agri Sphere 2024 participants, and opportunities will be awarded based on merit. Success depends on your performance, Test papers will be assigned according to your preferences given during registration; it's a competitive process.

The PAT is a crucial step after completing the training program. It is conducted among Agri Sphere 2024 participants, and placement in jobs, internships, scholarships, or overseas opportunities depends on your performance in the test.

Yes, please refer to the eligibility criteria outlined in the program guidelines. Eligibility requirements may vary for different opportunities within Agri Sphere 2024.

While Agri Sphere 2024 has a focus on agriculture and allied, it also provides training and opportunities in related fields, ensuring a diverse range of career paths.

10 months, The duration of the training program may vary. Please check the program details for specific information on the length of the training.

Yes, Check the program guidelines for information on any fees or financial considerations associated with participating in Agri Sphere 2024. It's essential to be aware of any costs involved.

Regularly check the official communication channels and website for Agri Sphere 2024 updates. Ensure your contact information is up-to-date to receive timely notifications.

For further assistance or inquiries, contact the Agri Sphere 2024 support team through the provided contact details or visit the official website for relevant information.

The program provides an opportunity for working professionals to upgrade their knowledge, acquire new skills, and stay updated with the latest developments in the agricultural sector.